10 Tallest Indoor Cactus: Tips for Growing Cacti in Your Home


Looking for the perfect addition to your indoor garden? Why not consider getting a cactus? These prickly plants are easy to care for and can add a unique touch to your space. But if you want to take it to the next level, why not go for the tallest indoor cactus?


These hardy and low-maintenance plants look fabulous, and what’s even better is that some can grow to impressive heights of eight feet or more!

In this article, we will explore the world of indoor cactus and their various shapes, sizes, and care requirements to help you find the perfect prickly plant for your space.

Top 10 Tallest Indoor Cactus and Care Tips

10 Tallest Indoor Cactus

If you’re looking for a fascinating indoor plant that can brighten up your living space, then you might want to consider getting a cactus.

Whether you’re interested in a tall and impressive cactus like the saguaro or the organ pipe, or a unique and interesting cactus like the golden barrel or the bishop’s cap, there are plenty of options to choose from.

We’ll discuss the 10 tallest indoor cacti that are sure to impress.

1. Saguaro Cactus

  • One of the tallest indoor cacti you’ll come across is the saguaro cactus.
  • Native to the Sonoran desert, this cactus can grow up to 40 feet tall in the wild.
  • However, when grown indoors, it typically only reaches a height of 10 feet.
  • The saguaro cactus has a thick trunk and two arms that curve upward, giving it a distinctive silhouette.

2. Organ Pipe Cactus

  • Another tall indoor cactus is the organ pipe cactus.
  • This cactus is native to the Americas and can grow up to 20 feet tall in the wild.
  • Indoors, it typically only grows to be about 6 feet tall.
  • The organ pipe cactus has numerous branches that extend from the main trunk, giving it a unique appearance.

3. Cardon Cactus

  • The Cardon cactus, also known as the Mexican giant cactus, can grow up to 60 feet tall in the wild.
  • When grown indoors, it typically only reaches a height of 8 to 10 feet.
  • This cactus has a thick trunk and branches that extend upward in a branching pattern.

4. Euphorbia Ingens

  • Although not technically a cactus, the euphorbia Ingens is often referred to as the candelabra cactus because of its branching structure.
  • It can grow up to 30 feet tall in the wild, although it typically only reaches a height of 6 to 8 feet indoors.
  • This plant has a thick trunk and numerous branches that curve upward, giving it a unique and interesting appearance.

5. Golden Barrel Cactus

  • The golden barrel cactus is a popular choice for indoor growers because of its unique appearance.
  • This cactus can grow up to 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide, making it one of the wider indoor cacti.
  • The golden barrel cactus is a spherical plant covered in golden spines, giving it a distinct look.

6. Old Man Cactus

  • The old man cactus, also known as the cephalocereus senilis, is a slow-growing cactus that can eventually reach a height of 20 feet in the wild.
  • Indoors, it typically only grows to be about 5 feet tall.
  • This cactus has a thick trunk covered in long white hair-like spines, giving it a unique and interesting appearance.

7. San Pedro Cactus

  • The san Pedro cactus is native to south America and can grow up to 20 feet tall in the wild.
  • When grown indoors, it typically only reaches a height of 4 to 6 feet.
  • This cactus has a thin trunk covered in small spines and at the top of the trunk, it has numerous branches that extend outward.

8. Bishop’S Cap Cactus

  • The bishop’s cap cactus is a unique indoor cactus that can grow up to 18 inches tall.
  • This cactus has a distinctive shape with a cylindrical body and a flat top that resembles a bishop’s hat.
  • The bishop’s cap cactus is covered in small spines and produces bright pink flowers.

9. Pencil Cactus

  • The pencil cactus, also known as the euphorbia tirucalli, is a tall indoor plant that can grow up to 10 feet tall.
  • This unique cactus has a thin and tall trunk covered in small leaves that resemble pencils.
  • The pencil cactus is a great choice for those who want a unique and interesting indoor plant.

10. Barrel Cactus

  • The barrel cactus is a spherical cactus that can grow up to 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide.
  • This cactus is covered in spines and produces bright yellow flowers.
  • The barrel cactus is a great choice for those who want a low-maintenance and unique indoor plant.

Just remember to follow proper care instructions to keep your cactus healthy and happy!

Cultivation And Care Tips For Tall Indoor Cacti

Are you a fan of tall indoor plants? If so, you should consider having a tall indoor cactus! Cacti can be a visually striking addition to any indoor space, and they require minimal care.

In this section, we’ll provide some useful tips and a basic guide on how to grow and maintain a tall indoor cactus.

Choosing The Right Pot

Choosing the right pot for a cactus plant can be crucial for its growth and overall health. Here are some helpful guidelines to consider when selecting a pot:

  • Choose a pot that’s slightly larger than the cactus. Cacti grow better in tight spaces.
  • The pot must have good drainage holes to avoid waterlogging.
  • The material is essential. Cacti grow best in terracotta pots, as these pots allow for proper aeration and aid in moisture control.

Providing Optimal Lighting

Prop them near the windowsill, in the garden, by your balcony, or in any place where the plant can bask in good sunlight. Full sun exposure is necessary for a healthy cactus. They need at least six hours of direct sunlight daily.

If a room doesn’t have proper natural lighting, consider investing in grow lights.

Watering Your Cactus

Cactus plants require very limited watering to survive. Overwatering can cause damage to the plant. So, ensure that the soil dries out before watering the cactus again.

  • During the active-growing months, water the cactus once a month.
  • During winters, watering can be done once every 5-6 weeks.

Feeding Your Cactus

Cactus plants do not need an absolute nutrient-rich diet, but feeding it occasionally can help in the overall growth and health of the plant.

  • Feed the cactus using a well-balanced cactus fertilizer during the active-growing phase, i.e., spring-summer.
  • Do not feed them during the dormant phase.

Handling Pests

Pests, like mealybugs and spider mites, can harm cactus plants. Remove them by sprinkling the plant with neem oil or an insecticidal soap, ensuring that it reaches every crevice and corner of the plant.

Factors Affecting Height In Indoor Cacti

Indoor cacti are an excellent way to add some greenery to your space. These fascinating plants come in many varieties, shapes, and sizes, and some can even grow incredibly tall.

If you are wondering what factors affect the height of indoor cacti, here are some key points to consider.


Indoor cacti require a lot of sunlight to thrive, and the intensity of light influences their growth. More light generally results in a taller cactus, as the plants can photosynthesize more efficiently and produce more energy for growth.

If your cactus isn’t receiving enough light, consider moving it to a brighter location or supplementing natural light with artificial light.

  • Cacti need at least six hours of sunlight per day to grow.
  • If you don’t have enough natural light, consider using a grow light for at least twelve hours a day.
  • Keep in mind that not enough light can result in stunted growth and poor health.


Water is another crucial factor in the height of indoor cacti. Cacti are adapted to survive in arid environments, and they don’t need much water to thrive.

Overwatering can cause root rot, which can impede the plant’s ability to take in nutrients and grow.

Watering your cactus too often or using too much water can cause stunted growth or a shorter overall height.

  • Water your indoor cactus only when the soil is completely dry.
  • Use a well-draining potting mix to ensure that water doesn’t accumulate at the bottom of the pot.
  • Consider using a moisture meter to ensure you aren’t over or under-watering your cactus.


Indoor cacti require nutrients to grow tall and healthy. The right balance of nutrients can significantly impact the plant’s growth rate and overall height.

Too little nutrition can cause stunted growth or a shorter overall height, while too much can cause excessive growth that weakens the plant.

  • Use a balanced fertilizer specifically formulated for cacti.
  • Fertilize your cactus during the growing season, typically from late spring to early fall.
  • Be careful not to over-fertilize or use a fertilizer with higher nitrogen content, which can promote excessive growth.


The temperature of your indoor environment can also affect the height of your cactus. Cacti thrive in warm temperatures, and cooler temperatures can slow their growth and lead to a shorter height overall.

Similarly, drastic temperature changes can shock your cactus, stunting its growth or causing it to stop growing altogether.

  • Keep your indoor cactus at a consistent temperature between 70-80°f during the day and 60-70°f at night.
  • Avoid placing your cactus near air conditioning vents, doors, or windows that may cause sudden temperature changes.
  • Consider using a heater or a fan to help regulate and maintain a consistent temperature in your indoor space.

Now that you know the key factors that can affect the height of your indoor cactus, you can ensure that your plant is growing to its full potential.

Keep in mind that every cactus is unique, and various factors can impact growth rates.

With regular care and attention, your indoor cactus can grow tall and healthy, providing a striking focal point in your space.

Challenges And Potential Risks In Growing Tall Indoor Cacti

Growing the tallest indoor cactus in pursuit of owning an exotic ornamental houseplant is easier said than done.

These succulent plants require specialized care, and their unique needs require ample attention.

Challenges In Growing Tall Cacti

Growing a tall cactus indoors isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. You will face some challenges along the way, including:

  • Limited space: As your indoor cactus grows taller, it will require adequate space to accommodate its physical expansion.
  • Pruning: Regular pruning is necessary to maintain your cactus’s shape, promote new stem growth, and prevent overcrowding.
  • Watering: Overwatering is the most common problem in growing cacti. Watering your cactus too frequently may lead to root rot, which can damage your plant’s health.
  • Soil and drainage: Growing cactus indoors needs different types of soil and drainage mechanism. It would be best to use well-draining cactus soil to provide optimal water retention and prevent water-logging.

Potential Risks In Growing Tall Indoor Cacti

Growing tall indoor cacti comes with potential risks that should not be ignored. Some of these potential risks include;

  • Prickly threat: Cactus spines or glochids can be a potential risk to humans and pets. Avoid placing your cactus in high-traffic areas to prevent this threat.
  • Pests and diseases: Indoor cacti are not immune to pests and diseases. The most common indoor cactus pests include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects.
  • Sunburn and overheating: Cacti plants love light, but direct sunlight can cause sunburn or heat stress, leading to dehydration, wilting, and ultimately death.
  • Pollution and smoke: Pollution and smoke can cause severe damage to your cactus’s health. Avoid placing your cactus near air conditioners, heaters, or in areas with high traffic fumes.

Growing tall indoor cacti requires specialized care, and owners must understand the potential risks and challenges they may face along the way.

With proper care, your indoor cactus will thrive, providing you with exotic ornamental beauty for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Tall Can Indoor Cacti Grow?

Indoor cacti can grow up to several feet tall when given the proper care and environment. The tallest indoor cactus on record stands at a staggering 65 feet tall.

What Are Some Popular Indoor Cactus Varieties?

Some popular indoor cactus varieties include the Christmas cactus, the Easter cactus, the old lady cactus, and the moon cactus. These varieties are known for their unique shapes and vibrant colors.

How Do I Care For My Indoor Cactus?

To care for your indoor cactus, make sure it receives a lot of sunlight, is planted in well-draining soil, and is watered sparingly. Avoid overwatering, and make sure to fertilize occasionally.

Can Indoor Cacti Bloom?

Yes, indoor cacti can bloom under the right conditions. To encourage blooming, make sure your cactus receives plenty of sunlight and is not overwatered. Some cactus varieties only bloom once a year, so be patient!

Why Is My Indoor Cactus Turning Yellow?

When an indoor cactus turns yellow, it typically indicates a problem with watering or lighting. Check to make sure your cactus is not being overwatered or sitting in a dark area without enough sunlight.


How Do I Prevent My Indoor Cactus From Getting Too Tall?

To prevent your indoor cactus from getting too tall, you can prune it or simply move it to a larger space where it can continue to grow. Just be sure to trim off any dead or damaged parts first.

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