Top 10 Succulent With Yellow Flowers


Top 10 succulents with yellow flowers include crassula ovata, aeonium ‘sunburst’, echeveria ‘lola’, sedum adolphii, and graptopetalum paraguayense, to name a few. Succulent plants have gained massive popularity in recent years due to their unique appearance, easy care, and uplifting presence.


Succulent With Yellow Flowers

They come in various shapes, colors, and sizes, and can survive in some of the most inhospitable environments, making them a perfect addition to any garden or indoor space.

One of the most striking features of succulent plants is their diverse range of flowers, which come in different shades of pink, red, white, and yellow.

In this article, we will explore some of the most beautiful succulent plants with yellow flowers that you can incorporate into your garden or home.

Top 10 Succulent With Yellow Flowers

1. Echeveria ‘Golden Glow’

Echeveria ‘golden glow’ is a beautiful succulent that belongs to the crassulaceae family. It’s a rosette-shaped plant with yellow-orange flowers that bloom in the summer.

Here’s what you need to know about this succulent:

  • Appearance: Echeveria ‘golden glow’ has beautiful, lime-green leaves that are tinged with yellow, especially at the tips. The leaves are thick, fleshy, and rounded. They’re arranged in a rosette formation. The flowers are small and yellow-orange in color.
  • Care instructions: This succulent is easy to care for. It prefers well-draining soil and bright, indirect sunlight. Water it sparingly, only when the soil is completely dry. This plant is drought-resistant and can tolerate high temperatures.
  • Propagation: Echeveria ‘golden glow’ can be propagated from offsets or leaf cuttings. If you decide to propagate from leaf cuttings, be patient, as it can take some time for the new plant to root and start growing.
  • Uses and benefits: Like most succulents, echeveria ‘golden glow’ is great for indoor decoration. It’s also a popular choice for outdoor landscaping in areas with a mild climate. This succulent can help purify the air and improve the overall air quality in your home.

Echeveria ‘golden glow’ is a stunning succulent that will add a pop of color and life to any space. Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or a beginner, this plant is easy to care for and will thrive in a variety of environments.

2. Sedum ‘Golden Sedum’

Sedum ‘golden sedum,’ also commonly known as sedum adolphii, is a succulent with striking yellow and green, jellybean-shaped leaves. It’s a perfect addition to any succulent garden because of its versatility and resilience.

Characteristics Of Sedum ‘Golden Sedum’

  • This succulent is native to mexico and parts of central america.
  • It has a trailing or creeping habit, making it a popular choice for hanging baskets and rock gardens.
  • The plant prefers well-draining soil and requires full sunlight to produce the best results.
  • Sedum ‘golden sedum’ is a drought-tolerant plant, making it an ideal choice for beginners.


  • Sedum ‘golden sedum’ can be propagated by stem or leaf cuttings.
  • Take cuttings during the growing season, ensuring that each cutting has at least one node.
  • Let the cuttings dry out for several days before planting in a well-draining soil mixture.
  • Water sparingly and place the cutting in a bright, sunny location until it takes root.

Potential Problems

  • Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s important not to let the soil remain damp.
  • Pests such as mealybugs and spider mites can infest sedum ‘golden sedum.’
  • Keep an eye out for any signs of pests, and treat them immediately with insecticidal soap or neem oil.


  • Sedum ‘golden sedum’ is a versatile plant that can be used in a variety of ways.
  • Plant in rock gardens, borders, or as ground cover.
  • Its unique shape and color make it a great addition to succulent arrangements and planters.
  • Plant it alone or mix it with other succulent varieties for a stunning display.

Sedum ‘golden sedum’ is an excellent choice for those starting their collection of succulents. This succulent requires minimal attention, but it’s important to provide the right growing environment to ensure it thrives.


With its unique shape and vibrant colors, sedum ‘golden sedum’ is sure to make a statement in any garden.

3. Crassula ‘Moonglow’

Crassula ‘moonglow’ is a beautiful succulent plant, known for its yellow flowers that bloom during the spring season. Its leaves are a greyish-green in color, with a glossy texture and a slightly curved shape.

This plant is a low maintenance indoor plant and can be grown easily in a container garden.

Key Points

  • In general, crassula plants are known for their low maintenance and high adaptability to different environmental conditions.
  • Crassula ‘moonglow’ needs well-draining soil and occasional watering.
  • This plant needs moderate to bright indirect sunlight for growth and must be kept away from direct sunlight.
  • While propagating ‘moonglow,’ make sure to let the stem cuttings dry for a few days before potting them.
  • Like all crassula plants, ‘moonglow,’ too, looks great in rock gardens or container gardens.

Crassula ‘moonglow’ is an exceptional plant that can add some color to any indoor space. Its bright yellow-colored flowers can brighten up your mood, and its low-maintenance capabilities make it a popular choice for indoor garden enthusiasts.

4. Aeonium ‘Sunburst’

Aeonium ‘sunburst’ is a stunning succulent that features rosettes of variegated yellow and green leaves. This unique succulent is perfect for adding a pop of color to any indoor or outdoor space.

Here are some key points to know about aeonium ‘sunburst’:

  • Aeonium ‘sunburst’ is a hybrid of two aeonium species, and it was developed in the 1980s.
  • This succulent prefers bright but indirect sunlight. It can tolerate some direct sunlight but needs protection during the hottest parts of the day.
  • Aeonium ‘sunburst’ is drought-tolerant and can survive longer periods without water. However, it needs to be watered occasionally, and the soil should be well-draining.
  • This succulent can grow up to 1 to 2 feet tall and prefers slightly cooler temperatures ranging from 50-75°f.
  • Aeonium ‘sunburst’ is easy to propagate from leaves, cuttings, or offsets.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned succulent enthusiast, aeonium ‘sunburst’ is sure to impress with its beautiful variegated leaves and ease of care. Add this vibrant succulent to your collection today!

5. Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is a delightful succulent plant that stems from madagascar. Its striking and vibrant blooms make it a popular houseplant among garden enthusiasts.

Besides, it’s easy to care for, making it an excellent choice for both experienced and novice gardeners.

Key Points:

  • Description: This succulent has thick foliage that is dark green in color and scalloped on the edges. Its star-shaped flowers come in different colors like yellow, pink, and red.
  • Care: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana prefers a bright, sunny location where it will receive plenty of light. The soil should be well-drained, and allow the topsoil to dry out before watering. During the flowering period, feed the plant a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month.
  • Propagation: The easiest way to propagate kalanchoe blossfeldiana is through stem cuttings. Take a 3-inch stem cutting, remove the leaves from the lower part of the stem, and plant it in well-draining soil. Keep the soil moist and avoid direct sunlight to prevent the cuttings from drying out.

Benefits Of Growing Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana:

  • Air-purifying: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana can remove harmful toxins from the air, making it a natural air purifier.
  • Low maintenance: This plant requires minimal care and attention, making it an ideal choice for busy homeowners.
  • Long-lasting blooms: The flowers can last for several weeks, adding color and beauty to any room.


  • Toxicity: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana can be toxic to both humans and pets. Keep it out of the reach of curious pets and children.
  • Sunlight: Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to scorch, so avoid placing it in an area that receives too much sun.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a low maintenance, beautiful, and air-purifying plant.

With proper care, this succulent can thrive for many years, bringing long-lasting color and beauty to any indoor garden.

6. Portulaca Grandiflora

This succulent is also known as the moss rose or sun rose and is famous for producing gorgeous yellow flowers that bloom throughout the summer months. Is a versatile plant that can survive in various soil conditions, making it an ideal plant for novice gardeners.

Here are the key points to keep in mind while growing portulaca grandiflora:

  • Water: This succulent requires minimal watering and can tolerate dry soil. It would help if you only watered it once a week, even in hot weather.
  • Light: Portulaca grandiflora requires full sunlight, and it’s important to get at least six hours of sunlight daily.
  • Soil: This plant is not fussy about soil conditions and can thrive in any well-draining soil type. You can also add sand and perlite to improve drainage.
  • Fertilizer: Portulaca grandiflora does not require fertilizer, but adding fertilizer once every month can help promote blooming.
  • Propagation: This plant can be propagated from seeds or cuttings. Seeds should be sown directly into the soil, and cuttings should be taken during the growing season.
  • Pests and diseases: This plant is relatively pest and disease-free, but it can be vulnerable to root rot if overwatered.
  • Container gardening: Portulaca grandiflora can grow well in containers. It would be best if you chose a container with sufficient drainage holes to allow excess water to drain properly.
  • Companion plants: Portulaca grandiflora can be planted with other succulents, such as sedums and sempervivums. It can also be planted with low-growing groundcovers like creeping thyme or creeping jenny.
  • Pruning: This succulent does not require regular pruning. After the flowering season, you can cut back any dead or yellow leaves to promote new growth.
  • Landscaping: Portulaca grandiflora can be used as a groundcover or accent plant in rock gardens, borders, or containers.

Portulaca grandiflora is an ideal plant for those looking for low-maintenance gardening and gorgeous yellow blooms.

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced gardener, this plant can quickly adapt to your gardening style and provide you with stunning color all summer long.

7. Agave Parryi

Agave parryi is a beautiful and low maintenance succulent that produces yellow flowers. If you want to add some vibrant colors to your garden and attract pollinators, agave parryi is one of the best choices.

Here are some key points to help you care for and grow agave parryi:

  • Location: Agave parryi prefers a sunny location with well-draining soil.
  • Watering: This succulent is drought-tolerant and does not need frequent watering. Overwatering can cause root rot. Water it when the soil is completely dry.
  • Fertilizer: Agave parryi does not need much fertilizer. You can fertilize it once a year during the growing season.
  • Pruning: Remove the dead leaves of agave parryi to keep it looking neat and tidy. The leaves have sharp spines, so be careful when handling them.
  • Pests and diseases: Agave parryi is usually pest-free, but it can be affected by mealybugs, spider mites, and scale insects. Treat the infestation with insecticidal soap. Root rot can also be a problem if the soil is too wet.
  • Propagation: You can propagate agave parryi by removing the offsets or pups that grow at the base of the plant. Let the offsets dry for a few days before planting them in well-draining soil.
  • Other species: There are several varieties of agave parryi, including agave parryi var. Truncata, agave parryi var. Huachucensis, and agave parryi var. Couesii. Each variety has its unique characteristics and growing requirements. Check the specific variety before purchasing and growing it.

Agave parryi is a unique, beautiful succulent that can add a touch of yellow to your garden. Perfectly suited for sunny locations, this low maintenance plant doesn’t need much in terms of maintenance and will reward you with its colorful blooms.

Keep these key points in mind when growing agave parryi, and you’ll have a healthy and vibrant plant that will bring joy for years to come.

8. Euphorbia Milii

Euphorbia milii, commonly known as the crown of thorns, is a succulent that produces beautiful yellow flowers.

Here are some key points about this stunning plant:

  • Euphorbia milii is a slow-growing and sprawling succulent that can reach up to three feet tall.
  • It is very easy to maintain and prefers a well-draining soil with full to partial sunlight exposure.
  • The plant produces small and colorful yellow blooms that can last for several weeks.
  • Euphorbia milii is commonly used as indoor decor, but it can also thrive in outdoor gardens or landscapes.
  • It is a low-maintenance plant that requires minimal watering and can be propagated easily from cuttings.
  • This plant is not only visually appealing, but it also has medicinal properties. The sap from euphorbia milii has been used to treat various ailments like skin rashes and insect bites.
  • However, it is essential to handle euphorbia milii with care as its sap can cause skin irritation and is toxic if ingested.
  • Euphorbia milii comes in different varieties, which have varying colors and shapes. These varieties include the thai hybrids, dwarf hybrids, and the madagascar hybrids.
  • The crown of thorns, euphorbia milii, is an ideal gift for plant lovers or anyone who wants to add a pop of color to their spaces.
  • The plant is known to bring good luck and prosperity, making it an excellent choice for home or office decor.

Euphorbia milii is truly a lovely plant that adds a splash of color and vibrancy to any space. Its low maintenance requirements and unique blooming capabilities make it appealing to both novice and experienced gardeners.

With its medicinal properties and impressive blooming capability, the crown of thorns is indeed a succulent worth having.

9. Sempervivum Tectorum: The Hens And Chicks

Sempervivum tectorum is also known by its common name, hens and chicks. This succulent is popular for its rosette-shaped leaves that group together to form a beautiful bouquet of geometric patterns.

Here are some key points to know about this exceptional plant.

  • This variety of succulent requires minimal care and thrives in areas with warm summers and cool winters.
  • Hens and chicks prefer well-draining soil and adequate sunlight, so make sure you plant them in a location exposed to the sun.
  • The plant grows in clumps, with smaller rosettes surrounding a larger central shoot, giving it a stunning aesthetic appearance.
  • The plant blooms in summer, producing pale-yellow, star-shaped blossoms on tall stems that rise above the rosettes. The flowers are a sight to behold and considered a favorite among gardeners.
  • Hens and chicks can multiply with ease, and the newly formed rosettes can be separated and replanted in different pots or gardens.

Some Tips For Growing Sempervivum Tectorum

If you plan to grow sempervivum tectorum, remember a few tricks to keep it healthy.

  • Water your plant regularly in the growing season, but avoid overwatering, as excessive moisture can cause rotting.
  • Fertilizing the plant should not be necessary, but you can add a low-nitrogen fertilizer in early spring to give it a boost.
  • Propagation of this succulent is straightforward through offsets, seeds, or leaf cuttings. You can easily grow new hen and chicks by gently pulling off the smaller rosettes and replanting them in new soil.
  • If you’re growing the plant in a pot, make sure it has drainage holes, as the soil must not remain waterlogged.

FAQs About Succulent With Yellow Flowers

Which Succulent With Yellow Flowers Is Best For Indoor Planting?

One of the best succulents with yellow flowers for indoor planting is the aloe vera plant. It is not only easy to care for but also has numerous health benefits.

How Much Sunlight Do Succulents With Yellow Flowers Need?

Most succulents with yellow flowers require at least six hours of sunlight per day. However, it’s essential to keep them away from direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day.

How Often Should I Water My Succulent With Yellow Flowers?

Succulents with yellow flowers thrive in dry conditions, so it’s best to water them sparingly. A general rule is to water them once a week while ensuring the soil is adequately drained.

How Do I Propagate My Succulent With Yellow Flowers?

Propagating succulents with yellow flowers is relatively easy. You can do it by stem or leaf-cutting and leave the cuttings for a few days to dry before planting them in well-draining soil.

How Do I Prevent Pests From Damaging My Succulent With Yellow Flowers?

To prevent pests like mealybugs and scale insects from damaging your succulent with yellow flowers, regularly inspect and clean your plants. You can also use insecticidal soap or neem oil to get rid of any infestations.

Can Succulents With Yellow Flowers Survive In Cold Climates?

Most succulents with yellow flowers are adapted to warm environments, but some can thrive in colder climates. Ensure they are in well-draining soil and kept indoors during the winter months.


So, there it is, our top 10 succulent with yellow flowers that could make your garden pop with yellow hues. If you love the look of sunshine yellows in your garden, then you are not too far from having it.

You just need to find the perfect one that suits your liking and requirements. Succulents with yellow flowers are perfect for anyone who loves a low-maintenance plant that still adds some color and beauty to their garden. Each of these 10 succulents is unique in its own way, and they all come with their own set of benefits.


Whether you’re looking to add a little bit of color to your garden or you want to add a bold statement, these succulents with yellow flowers won’t disappoint.

So, go ahead and pick one that you like the most and see how it transform your garden into a stunning yellow paradise.

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