Tips for Growing Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass


Shade tolerant bermuda grass is a variety of bermuda grass that is adapted to grow in partial shade. It requires less sunlight than traditional bermuda grass varieties and can still thrive.


Shade tolerant bermuda grass is an excellent option for areas of your lawn that receive partial sunlight. It’s perfect for those who have trees, shrubs, and other landscaping features that create shade throughout the day. Regular bermuda grass requires full sunlight to grow healthily.

The shade-tolerant variety requires significantly less sunlight while still maintaining its healthy appearance. It also has a finer texture than traditional Bermuda grass, allowing it to blend better with other types of grass.

With proper care and maintenance, shade-tolerant Bermuda grass can withstand moderate foot traffic and thrive in partial shade environments.

Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass

Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass

Shade tolerance is one of the essential characteristics to consider when selecting grass for your lawn. Bermuda grass is a popular warm-season grass known for its hardiness, versatility, and drought tolerance.

However, some Bermuda grass varieties don’t thrive well under shade, because they require a lot of sunlight.

Luckily, there are shade-tolerant Bermuda grass varieties that you can opt for if your lawn has a lot of shade.

What Is Shade Tolerance?

Shade tolerance is the ability of a plant to grow and thrive in low light conditions. This characteristic is essential, especially for plants that require a lot of sunlight to survive, like most warm-season grasses.

Bermuda grass is known for being a full-sun plant, but shade-tolerant varieties have been developed to meet the needs of homeowners with shaded lawns.

Factors To Consider In Selecting Shade-Tolerant Bermuda Grass

If you’re planning to grow bermuda grass in your shaded yard, there are several factors to consider.


Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Shade level: Before selecting a shade-tolerant Bermuda grass variety, you need to consider the type and amount of shade your lawn gets. Different grass varieties have varying degrees of shade tolerance, so it’s crucial to choose a variety that matches the level of shade in your lawn.
  • Grass variety: Not all bermuda grass varieties are the same, and the level of shade tolerance may vary depending on the cultivar. Research different varieties and consult with experts to determine which type is right for your lawn.
  • Time of year: Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass, so the time of year you plant it will affect its shade tolerance and overall success. Generally, it’s best to plant bermuda grass in the spring when there’s more sunlight and the temperatures are warmer.

Benefits Of Shade-Tolerant Bermuda Grass

Shade-tolerant bermuda grass has numerous benefits, including:

  • It can grow in low light conditions and still look healthy and lush.
  • It requires less maintenance than other types of shade-tolerant grasses.
  • It produces a dense turf that’s resistant to weeds and pests.
  • It can withstand heavy foot traffic.
  • It’s drought-resistant, making it an excellent option for areas with water restrictions.

Best Shade-Tolerant Bermuda Grass Varieties

Some of the best shade-tolerant bermuda grass varieties include:

  • Tifgrand
  • Celebration
  • Discovery bermuda
  • Latitude 36
  • Northbridge bermuda

Each of these varieties has unique characteristics, so it’s essential to research and choose the best one for your specific needs.

Shade tolerance is a crucial factor to consider when selecting grass for your lawn. Fortunately, shade-tolerant bermuda grass varieties have been developed to meet the needs of homeowners with shaded yards.

By selecting the best variety and considering other factors such as shade level and time of year, you can grow a healthy and lush Bermuda grass lawn even in low light conditions.

Characteristics Of Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass

Are you struggling to grow bermuda grass in your shaded lawn area? Shade tolerant bermuda grass could be the solution you have been looking for. This type of grass has the ability to thrive in partially shaded areas and still maintain its green color.

Here are some characteristics of shade tolerant bermuda grass that make it an ideal option for your shaded lawn.

Key Points:

  • Tolerates up to 60% shade: Shade tolerant bermuda grass can tolerate up to 60% shade and still grow well. This makes it a perfect option for areas that receive partial sunlight.
  • Light green color: One of the main characteristics of shade tolerant bermuda grass is its light green color. The grass has adapted to grow in shade, which affects its ability to produce chlorophyll that results in its light green color.
  • Less dense canopy: Shade tolerant bermuda grass has a less dense canopy than traditional bermuda grass. This means that it allows more sunlight to penetrate, which is necessary for its growth in shaded areas.
  • Requires less maintenance: Shade tolerant bermuda grass requires less maintenance than traditional bermuda grass. It does not require as much water or fertilizer, and it can thrive on its own without constant attention.
  • Heat and drought tolerance: Shade tolerant bermuda grass has excellent heat and drought tolerance. It can survive extended periods of heat and drought, making it a perfect option for areas with a hot and dry climate.
  • Slower growing: Shade tolerant Bermuda grass grows slower than traditional Bermuda grass. It can take longer to establish, but it is worth the wait when planted in shaded areas that receive partial sunlight.

Advantages Of Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass

Are you tired of struggling to grow lush green grass in your shaded outdoor spaces? Shade tolerant Bermuda grass may be the solution you’ve been searching for!

Here are some of the top advantages of using shade tolerant Bermuda grass in your lawn.

Low Maintenance

Nobody wants to spend their free time constantly tending to their grass. Shade tolerant Bermuda grass requires minimal upkeep, making it perfect for those who want a healthy lawn without having to put in an extensive amount of work.

Due to its slow growth rate, you won’t need to mow it as frequently as other grasses.

Plus, it requires very little watering and fertilizer, saving you time and money in the long run.

Thrives In A Variety Of Climates

One of the best things about shade tolerant bermuda grass is its versatility. Not only does it grow well in shaded areas, but it also thrives in a variety of different climates, including hot and humid, and dry and arid.

It’s drought-tolerant and can withstand extreme heat, making it ideal for areas that experience harsh weather conditions.

Resilient Against Diseases And Pests

No one wants their lawn to be overrun with diseases or pests. Luckily, shade tolerant Bermuda grass is extremely resilient against both.

It is naturally resistant to many common grass diseases, and its dense growth pattern helps to prevent weeds from sprouting.

Additionally, it has a high level of tolerance against pests such as chinch bugs and cutworms.

Aesthetically Pleasing

Bermuda grass has a distinctive, vibrant green color that can lend a beautiful aesthetic to your outdoor space. Shade tolerant Bermuda grass is no exception.

Its lush, green appearance is visually appealing and can add curb appeal to your home.

Plus, its dense growth pattern can help reduce soil erosion, making it a practical and beautiful choice for your lawn.

Low Allergen Potential

If you or someone in your family has allergies, you know how important it is to choose the right grass for your yard. Shade tolerant bermuda grass has a low allergen potential, making it a great option for those who want to enjoy their lawn without worrying about allergy symptoms.

Shade tolerant bermuda grass is a practical and beautiful choice for those who want a healthy, low-maintenance lawn that can grow in shaded areas. Its versatility, resilience, and aesthetic appeal make it an excellent option for any outdoor space.

Popular Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass Varieties

If you’re a lawn enthusiast living in a place with moderate to heavy shade, you may have found it challenging to maintain a beautiful lawn.

While some turf species require full sun to thrive, there are some shade-tolerant options like Bermuda grass.

Here are a few popular shade-tolerant bermuda grass types to help you make your decision.

1. Princess 77 Bermuda Grass

  • Also known as gn1, princess 77 is one of the most popular bermuda grass cultivars on the market today.
  • It’s shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, and requires little water once established.
  • This variety can survive in areas with as little as 4 hours of direct sunlight while still maintaining excellent turf density.

2. Yukon Bermuda Grass

  • Developed by the university of Arkansas, Yukon Bermuda grass is a warm-season turf grass cultivar that can tolerate moderate shade.
  • It has a medium texture and a vibrant blue-green color.
  • This variety is quite drought-tolerant and easily adapts to different soil types.

3. Celebration Bermuda Grass

  • Celebration Bermuda grass is similar to princess 77, but with a finer texture.
  • This cultivar can tolerate up to 60% shade and still remain healthy and lush.
  • It has a deep green color and is resistant to pests and disease.

4. Latitude 36 Bermuda Grass

  • Latitude 36 Bermuda grass is prized for its exceptional cold tolerance and low maintenance requirements.
  • It has an attractive dark green color and thrives in as little as 4 hours of direct sunlight per day.
  • This turf grass variety is a favorite among golf course superintendents and homeowners looking for an all-purpose grass.

These are just a few of the most popular shade-tolerant Bermuda grass types. Choose the one that best suits your area’s growing conditions, and you’ll have a lush, green lawn year-round.

Establishing And Maintaining

If you have a shady lawn, don’t worry – you can still have a lush, green lawn with bermuda grass. Here are the key points to establish and maintain a shade-tolerant bermuda grass lawn:

Choosing The Right Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass Varieties

Tifgr and Bermuda – this Bermuda grass is the best variety for moderate to heavy shade conditions.

Yukon Bermuda – this bermuda grass has a good tolerance to shade and is commonly grown in the transition zone.

Celebration Bermuda – this variety is ideal for a moderate amount of shade.

Transcontinental Bermuda – this shade tolerant Bermuda grass is perfect for hot summers and cold winters.

Latitude 36 Bermuda – this bermuda grass variety is suitable for moderately shaded areas.

Northbridge Bermuda – this variety is ideal for moderate shade areas and is drought tolerant.

Maintaining Your Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass Lawn

Proper watering:

  • Ensure that you water your Bermuda grass deeply and infrequently. Apply at least one inch of water weekly or more during the hottest months.
  • Avoid watering your lawn late in the evening as it promotes disease growth.


  • Fertilization is essential to sustain a healthy lawn.
  • Fertilize your Bermuda grass with 1 lb of nitrogen per 1000 square feet, three to four times annually, starting from may and ending in late august.


  • Maintain your bermuda grass lawn at a height of 1. 5 to 2 inches.
  • Mow your lawn regularly and ensure that the mower blades are sharp to prevent turfgrass from getting damaged.

Soil preparation:

  • Ensure that your soil is well-draining. Ph range of 6. 0 to 7. 0 is optimum for growing bermuda grass.
  • Improve areas of compacted soil by using appropriate aerating equipment.

By following the above guidelines, you can grow a healthy and lush shade-tolerant Bermuda grass lawn. Keeping your lawn properly maintained will keep it healthy and strong.

Tips For Maximizing Shade Tolerance

Bermuda grass is a popular choice for lawns in hot and sunny climates. It is known for its incredible tolerance to dry and hot weather conditions.

However, in areas with shade, Bermuda grass may struggle to thrive. If you have Bermuda grass in your yard, but it’s not receiving enough sunlight, then here are some tips to help improve its shade tolerance.

Factors Affecting Shade Tolerance Of Bermuda Grass

Before we dive into the tips, it’s essential to know about the factors that can affect shade tolerance of Bermuda grass. These are:

  • Variety of Bermuda grass: Some varieties have a better tolerance to shade than others.
  • Level of shade: The amount of shade that the grass receives is critical. Bermuda grass can thrive in partial shade but not in full shade.
  • Duration of shade: Bermuda grass can handle shade well for a short duration. Prolonged shade will harm the grass.
  • Soil quality: Bermuda grass can struggle in compacted and poorly drained soil.

Here are some tips to help you maximize the shade tolerance of your Bermuda grass:

  • Choose the right variety – when you are selecting Bermuda grass for a lawn, choose the variety that has a better tolerance to shade. For example, princess 77 Bermuda grass is known for its good shade tolerance.
  • Prune trees and shrubs – if there are any trees or shrubs in your lawn area that are blocking sunlight, trim them to let more light reach the Bermuda grass.
  • Remove obstacles – remove any obstacles that cast shadows on Bermuda grass, such as patio furniture and large plant pots.
  • Increase mowing height – mowing Bermuda grass too short can weaken it, reducing its shade tolerance. Set your mower to a higher setting and avoid scalping the lawn.
  • Aerate the soil – compacted soil can create obstacles for grass growth, which reduces its shade tolerance. Regular soil aeration can help root growth and improve shade tolerance.
  • Use fertilizers – the right fertilizers can help improve Bermuda grass’s resistance to shade. Look for a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen and potassium.
  • Avoid overwatering – overwatering can lead to disease and root rot, making Bermuda grass more susceptible to shade damage. Make sure you are watering your Bermuda grass correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass?

Shade tolerant Bermuda grass is a type of Bermuda grass that can grow in partially shaded areas. It requires less sunlight compared to other varieties.

This grass is perfect for lawns that don’t receive full sunlight exposure.

How Does Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass Differ From Regular Bermuda Grass?

Regular Bermuda grass requires full sunlight exposure, whereas shade tolerant Bermuda grass can grow in partially shaded areas with 4-6 hours of sunlight per day. It also has a finer texture and is less invasive.

What Type Of Soil Is Best For Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass?

Shade tolerant Bermuda grass thrives in well-drained soil. Soil with high clay content can cause problems for this grass, so it’s essential to have good drainage.

A soil ph range of 6 to 7 is optimal for best growth.

Can I Grow Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass From Seeds?

Yes, shade tolerant Bermuda grass can be grown from seeds. However, vegetative propagation (using sprigging or plugging) is the most recommended method for planting because it allows for quicker establishment and better color consistency.

How Do I Care For Shade Tolerant Bermuda Grass?


To care for shade tolerant Bermuda grass, you need to mow it at a height of 1-2 inches, water it regularly (especially during dry periods), and fertilize it with a balanced fertilizer every 6-8 weeks.

You should also avoid over-fertilizing and overwatering, as it can lead to disease and pest problems.

James Watts

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