Effective Strategies to Keep Raccoons Out of Your Pool


Are you tired of finding unexpected guests taking a dip in your pool? If you live in an area frequented by raccoons, you might have encountered this common problem. Raccoons, known for their curiosity and resourcefulness, often view swimming pools as inviting spots to cool off and find a drink.


However, having raccoons in your pool can create several issues, both for the animals and for you as a pool owner. That’s why it’s crucial to take proactive steps to prevent raccoons from entering your pool area.

We will explore effective strategies to keep raccoons out of your pool, ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming environment for you and your family.

By implementing these preventive measures, you can minimize potential damage caused by raccoons and maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of your pool.

So, let’s dive in and discover how to keep those mischievous raccoons at bay!

Note: Remember that raccoons are wild animals, and it’s always best to contact local wildlife authorities or pest control professionals if you are unsure about dealing with raccoon-related issues on your own.

how to keep racoons out of pool

Understanding Raccoon Behavior and Attraction to Pools

Swimming pools often attract raccoons due to their mischievous nature and inquisitive personalities. There are several reasons why raccoons find pools attractive, and understanding their behavior can help us develop effective strategies to keep them away.

One of the primary reasons raccoons are attracted to pools is the availability of water. Like any other living creature, raccoons need water to survive, especially during hot and dry weather. Your pool becomes an oasis for them, providing a refreshing drink and a place to cool off.

Additionally, raccoons are highly adaptable and opportunistic, so if they find an easy source of water like a pool, they are likely to keep coming back.

Raccoons are also skilled climbers and are capable of accessing pool areas even if they are fenced. They can easily scale walls, trees, or nearby structures to gain access to your pool. So, even if you have barriers in place, raccoons may still find their way in.


When it comes to behavior patterns near water sources, raccoons are known to be excellent swimmers. They are highly comfortable in the water and can even swim for extended periods.

Raccoons frequently visit ponds, lakes, and swimming pools as they skillfully forage and hunt near water bodies.

The abundance of insects, frogs, and other small creatures often found around water attracts them.

Strategies for Keeping Raccoons Away from Your Pool

To keep raccoons away from your pool, there are several effective strategies you can implement.

Installing physical barriers around the pool area

One of the most effective ways to keep raccoons out of your pool is by installing physical barriers around the pool area. Physical barriers act as a deterrent, preventing raccoons from accessing the pool and its surroundings.

There are a few methods you can employ to create these barriers:

Fencing options to deter raccoons:

Installing a sturdy and secure fence around your pool can significantly reduce the chances of raccoons entering the area. Opt for a fence that is at least four feet tall and made of materials that raccoons cannot easily climb, such as smooth metal or vinyl.

Ensure that the fence is buried at least a foot into the ground to prevent raccoons from burrowing underneath it.

Adding motion-activated sprinklers or lights:

Motion-activated devices can startle raccoons and deter them from approaching your pool. Install motion-activated sprinklers or lights near the pool area, as raccoons are generally wary of sudden bursts of water or bright lights.

These devices will detect the raccoon’s movement and activate, scaring them away and discouraging their return.

Implementing deterrent measures

In addition to physical barriers, there are other effective strategies you can implement to deter raccoons from your pool area. These deterrent measures focus on using natural and commercial repellents to discourage raccoons from approaching your pool.

Using natural repellents:

Natural repellents can be a safe and eco-friendly way to keep raccoons away from your pool. Raccoons have a keen sense of smell, and certain scents are known to repel them.

Here are some natural repellents you can try:

Ammonia: Soak rags or cotton balls in ammonia and place them around the pool area. The strong smell of ammonia acts as a deterrent for raccoons.

Pepper-based repellents: Sprinkle cayenne pepper or hot pepper flakes around the perimeter of the pool. Raccoons dislike the strong scent and taste of peppers, deterring them from entering the area.

 Vinegar: Fill spray bottles with white vinegar and spray it around the pool area. Raccoons find the smell of vinegar unpleasant and are likely to avoid it.

Trying commercial deterrent products:

There are various commercial products available specifically designed to repel raccoons. These products typically contain ingredients that raccoons find unpleasant or irritating. Here are a few examples:

Repellent sprays: Look for repellent sprays that are specifically formulated to deter raccoons. These sprays usually contain natural ingredients such as essential oils that repel raccoons when sprayed around the pool area.

Ultrasonic devices: Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sounds that are bothersome to raccoons but inaudible to humans. Install these devices near your pool to deter raccoons from approaching.

Modifying pool maintenance practices

Modifying your pool maintenance practices can also contribute to deterring raccoons from your pool area. By implementing these practices, you can create an environment that is less attractive to raccoons and reduces the likelihood of their presence.

Cleaning the pool regularly:

Regularly cleaning your pool is essential for maintaining its hygiene and making it less appealing to raccoons. Remove leaves, twigs, and other debris from the water surface and skimmer basket.

Vacuum the pool regularly to prevent the accumulation of organic matter that might attract raccoons. A clean pool not only looks inviting to humans but also makes it less appealing as a water source for raccoons.

Removing debris and potential food sources:

Raccoons are opportunistic feeders and are attracted to potential food sources near the pool area. Remove any fallen fruits, nuts, or birdseed that may have accumulated around the pool.

Store garbage cans securely and away from the pool, as raccoons are notorious for scavenging through trash. By eliminating these food sources, you reduce the incentive for raccoons to visit your pool.

Ensuring proper pool water chemistry:

Maintaining proper pool water chemistry is not only crucial for the health and safety of swimmers but also plays a role in deterring raccoons. Raccoons are more likely to be attracted to pools with stagnant, dirty water.

Regularly test and balance the pool water to prevent algae growth and ensure it is clean and clear. A well-maintained pool with proper water chemistry is less likely to be a target for raccoons seeking water sources.

Making the pool area less inviting for raccoons

To discourage raccoons from entering your pool area, it’s important to make it less appealing to them.

By implementing the following methods, you can create an environment that raccoons find less attractive, reducing the chances of their presence.

Reducing access to water sources:

Raccoons are attracted to pools primarily for the water they provide. To make your pool area less inviting, minimize other water sources that might be accessible to raccoons.

Repair any leaks in outdoor faucets or sprinkler systems, as these can create alternative water sources. Ensure that no standing water accumulates in buckets, containers, or birdbaths near the pool.

By reducing access to additional water sources, raccoons are less likely to view your pool as a vital water supply.

Removing potential hiding spots:

Raccoons are nocturnal creatures and prefer dark and secluded areas to seek shelter and build their dens. By eliminating potential hiding spots, you make your pool area less appealing to them.

Trim overgrown vegetation and shrubs near the pool, ensuring there are no dense bushes or trees that raccoons can use for cover.

Secure or seal off crawl spaces, sheds, or other structures near the pool that could provide hiding spots. An open and well-lit pool area makes raccoons feel exposed and less inclined to visit.

Eliminating food temptations:

Raccoons are opportunistic eaters and can be attracted to food sources around your pool. To discourage them, remove any potential food temptations. Avoid leaving pet food outside, especially overnight.

Clean up fallen fruits or nuts from trees surrounding the pool area. Store trash cans in secure containers with tight-fitting lids to prevent raccoons from accessing them.

By eliminating food temptations, you remove incentives for raccoons to frequent your pool area.

Additional Tips and Precautions

Even with the implementation of preventive measures, it’s important to take additional precautions when dealing with raccoons in your pool area.

The following tips will help you further safeguard your pool and handle raccoon-related situations effectively.

Securing pool covers properly:

If you use a pool cover, ensure it is securely fastened and tightly fitted. Raccoons are clever creatures and can manipulate loose or poorly secured covers, gaining access to the pool.

Use pool cover clips or straps to secure the cover tightly, preventing raccoons from slipping underneath or damaging the cover.

Being cautious during raccoon mating season:

Raccoon mating season typically occurs between January and June, with peak activity in spring. During this time, raccoons are more active, aggressive, and may be searching for potential nesting sites.

Exercise caution when approaching the pool area or attempting to deter raccoons during mating season. It is advisable to contact local wildlife authorities or pest control professionals for guidance, as they can provide appropriate advice for dealing with raccoons during this period.

Seeking professional assistance if raccoon infestation persists:

If despite your best efforts, raccoons continue to infest your pool area or pose a persistent problem, it may be time to seek professional assistance.

Professional wildlife removal services or pest control experts can assess the situation, safely remove raccoons, and implement additional measures to prevent their return.

They have the knowledge, experience, and resources to handle raccoon infestations effectively while ensuring the safety of both humans and animals.

Remember, raccoons are wild animals, and it is essential to prioritize your safety and the well-being of these creatures. If you encounter aggressive raccoons or feel uncomfortable handling raccoon-related issues on your own, it is always best to contact professionals who specialize in wildlife management.

Frequently Asked Question’s

How can I tell if raccoons are visiting my pool?

To determine if raccoons are visiting your pool, look for telltale signs such as raccoon tracks, feces, or wet footprints on the pool deck.

Additionally, check for disturbed trash bins or damage to pool equipment, such as skimmer lids or pool covers. These indicators can suggest that raccoons have been in the area, and it is important to take steps to prevent them from accessing your pool in the future.

Can raccoons transmit diseases to humans through pool water?

Yes, raccoons can transmit diseases to humans through pool water. They can carry parasites and infectious diseases, such as raccoon roundworm and leptospirosis, which can contaminate the water if raccoons enter the pool.

Humans can contract these diseases by accidentally ingesting or coming into contact with contaminated water. It is crucial to keep raccoons out of your pool to minimize the risk of disease transmission and protect the health of swimmers.

Do raccoons pose a danger to pets in the pool area?

Raccoons can indeed pose a danger to pets in the pool area. These creatures, with their agility and cleverness, can easily gain access to the pool area, especially if it is not properly secured.

Raccoons may view pets as a potential threat or competition for food and territory, which can lead to confrontations or even attacks.

Furthermore, raccoons can transmit diseases like rabies to pets through bites or scratches. It is crucial for pet owners to take precautions by securing the pool area and keeping an eye on their pets to minimize the risk of encounters with raccoons.

Are there any legal restrictions on trapping and relocating raccoons?

The legal restrictions on trapping and relocating raccoons vary depending on the jurisdiction. In many places, there are regulations in place to govern the trapping and relocation of wildlife, including raccoons. These regulations aim to ensure the humane treatment of animals and prevent the spread of diseases.

Trapping and relocating raccoons may require permits or licenses, and there might be specific guidelines regarding trap types, trapping seasons, and release locations.

It is important to consult local wildlife agencies or authorities to understand the specific legal requirements and restrictions in your area before attempting to trap and relocate raccoons.

Do raccoons damage pool equipment?

Yes, raccoons can potentially damage pool equipment. Curious and resourceful animals, raccoons explore pool areas in search of food or water.

They can cause damage by scratching or tearing pool covers, damaging pool liners, clogging filters or pumps with debris, and even chewing on electrical wires or components.

To prevent raccoon damage, it’s important to secure the pool area, keep it clean, and use deterrents if necessary. Regular maintenance and inspections can help identify any potential damage early on and address it promptly.

Will a pool alarm deter raccoons from entering my pool?

No, a pool alarm is unlikely to deter raccoons from entering your pool. Raccoons are agile and resourceful creatures that are capable of overcoming various obstacles.

Raccoons’ ability to manipulate objects and find ways around barriers nullifies the effectiveness of a pool alarm, serving as a deterrent for some animals.

To prevent raccoons from entering your pool, it is advisable to implement additional measures such as securing the pool area with fences, covering the pool when not in use, and removing any potential food sources that might attract raccoons.

Can raccoons climb over pool fences?

Yes, raccoons are skilled climbers and can indeed climb over pool fences. Raccoons have agile bodies, sharp claws, and excellent climbing abilities, allowing them to scale various structures, including fences.

To prevent raccoons from entering your pool area, it’s advisable to install sturdy fences that are at least six feet high, with no footholds or overhanging branches nearby.

Additionally, securing the area with additional measures such as adding barriers or mesh covers can help deter these resourceful animals from accessing your pool.

How can I keep raccoons away from my pool without harming them?

To keep raccoons away from your pool without causing harm to them, there are several non-lethal and humane methods you can try.

First, make sure your pool area is well-lit at night, as raccoons are nocturnal animals and prefer dark areas. Install motion-activated lights or use floodlights to deter them.

Additionally, secure your pool area with a sturdy fence or barrier that is at least four feet high, as raccoons can skillfully climb.

Remove any potential food sources, such as fallen fruits or pet food, as this can attract them. Consider using a pool cover when the pool is not in use to prevent raccoons from accessing the water.

Finally, you can use natural deterrents such as sprinklers, citrus peels, or ammonia-soaked rags placed strategically around the pool area to deter raccoons. Remember, it’s important to respect wildlife and find humane ways to coexist with them.

Are there any plants that raccoons dislike that I can incorporate into my pool landscaping?

Generally, raccoons attract various plants for their fruits, seeds, or insects they may harbor, as they are opportunistic omnivores.

While there isn’t a specific plant that raccoons universally dislike, there are some strategies you can consider for your pool landscaping. Incorporating thorny or prickly plants like roses, holly, or cacti may deter raccoons from entering certain areas.

Additionally, using plants that raccoons typically don’t find appealing, such as strongly scented herbs like lavender, mint, or rosemary, might discourage them.

However, keep in mind that these methods may not guarantee complete raccoon avoidance, as their behavior can vary.

It’s advisable to consult with local experts or wildlife control professionals for more specific advice tailored to your area and the behavior patterns of raccoons in your region.

How often should I reapply raccoon repellent sprays around my pool area?

The frequency of reapplying raccoon repellent sprays around your pool area may vary depending on factors such as the specific repellent product used, weather conditions, and the raccoon activity in your area.

The manufacturer of the repellent spray recommends following their instructions, which typically include guidelines on reapplying the product for optimal effectiveness.

Additionally, it may be beneficial to monitor the raccoon activity around your pool area and observe any signs of their presence. If you notice increased raccoon activity or signs of damage, it might be necessary to reapply the repellent more frequently.

Regular inspections and adjustments based on the specific circumstances can help ensure the raccoon repellent remains effective in deterring them from your pool area.

What should I do if I find a raccoon in my pool?


If you find a raccoon in your pool, it is crucial to prioritize safety. Do not attempt to handle or approach the raccoon yourself, as it may become aggressive.

Instead, contact a wildlife professional or animal control agency in your area to safely remove the raccoon from the pool and address any potential issues.

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