Can Squirrels Eat Cheese? A Nutritional Guide and Facts


Squirrels, with their playful antics and bushy tails, are a common sight in many parks and gardens. As avid foragers, these small, agile creatures are known for their diverse diets, consisting mainly of nuts, seeds, fruits, and occasionally insects.


However, one question often arises: Can squirrels indulge in the delights of cheese? This nutritional guide aims to shed light on whether cheese is a suitable dietary addition for squirrels, exploring the potential benefits or risks it may pose to these curious critters.

By examining the nutritional composition of cheese and considering the biological needs of squirrels, we can better understand whether cheese should be included as a part of their diet.

Let’s delve into the facts and discover whether our furry friends should go nuts over cheese or approach it with caution.

Can squirrels eat cheese

Can squirrels eat cheese?

While squirrels are primarily herbivores, their dietary preferences extend beyond nuts, seeds, and fruits. When it comes to cheese, squirrels can indeed eat it, but it should be approached with caution and offered in moderation.

Here’s a detailed exploration of various aspects surrounding squirrels and cheese consumption:


Cheese is generally safe for squirrels to consume, but it should not make up a significant portion of their diet. The high fat and sodium content in cheese can lead to health issues if consumed excessively.


Squirrels are not naturally attracted to cheese. Their diet in the wild mainly consists of plant-based foods, and cheese is not a part of their natural food sources.

Types of cheese

If you choose to offer cheese to squirrels, it is important to select options that are low in salt and mild in flavor. Fresh, unsalted varieties such as cottage cheese or mild cheddar can be better options.

Potential harm

While cheese can be a treat for squirrels, it should not be given as a regular part of their diet. Excessive consumption can lead to weight gain, digestive issues, and nutritional imbalances.



When offering cheese to squirrels, it should be given in small amounts. A small piece, about the size of a fingernail, is sufficient. Remember, moderation is key.

Cheese Health benefits of Squirrels

Cheese can provide some nutritional benefits to squirrels, including protein and calcium. However, these nutrients can also be obtained from their natural diet sources.

Treat or reward

Cheese can be used occasionally as a special treat or reward for squirrels. However, it is important to prioritize their natural dietary needs over indulging them with human food.

Risks and allergies

Some squirrels may have lactose intolerance or allergies to dairy products, including cheese. If you notice any adverse reactions such as diarrhea, vomiting, or skin irritations, it’s best to avoid feeding them cheese altogether.


Instead of cheese, squirrels can be offered a variety of squirrel-friendly foods, including nuts (in moderation), fresh fruits, vegetables, and specialized squirrel food blends available in pet stores.


Cheese should be a rare indulgence for squirrels. It is not recommended to offer cheese on a daily basis. Their natural diet should form the majority of their nutritional intake.

Baby squirrels

While adult squirrels can handle small amounts of cheese, it is not suitable for baby squirrels. Baby squirrels have specific dietary needs and should be fed a proper formula recommended by a wildlife rehabilitator.

Wild squirrels and cheese

In their natural habitat, squirrels do not seek out or consume cheese. It is not a part of their instinctual diet, and they are better off sticking to their natural food sources.

Safer cheese options

Fresh, unsalted cheeses like cottage cheese or mild cheddar are considered safer choices if you decide to offer cheese to squirrels. Always avoid highly processed or flavored cheeses.

While squirrels can eat cheese in moderation, it should not be a staple in their diet. Prioritizing their natural food sources and providing a well-rounded, balanced diet is essential for their overall health and well-being.

Is cheese a safe food for squirrels to consume?

Cheese can be considered safe for squirrels to consume, but it should be offered in moderation. Squirrels are generally able to tolerate small amounts of cheese without adverse effects.

However, it is important to note that cheese should not make up a significant portion of their diet due to its high fat and sodium content.

Are squirrels attracted to cheese?

Squirrels are not naturally attracted to cheese. In their natural habitat, squirrels primarily feed on nuts, seeds, fruits, and plant matter.

Cheese is not a part of their instinctual food sources, so they are unlikely to seek it out unless it is made readily available to them.

What types of cheese can squirrels eat?

If you choose to offer cheese to squirrels, it is best to select options that are low in salt and have a mild flavor. Fresh, unsalted cheeses such as cottage cheese or mild cheddar are better choices.

Highly processed or flavored cheeses should be avoided, as they may contain additives that could be harmful to squirrels.

Can cheese be harmful to squirrels?

While cheese can be enjoyed by squirrels in small amounts, it can be harmful if consumed excessively. The high fat content in cheese can lead to weight gain and obesity in squirrels, which can in turn contribute to various health issues.

Additionally, the high sodium content in some cheeses can negatively affect their overall health.

Should cheese be given to squirrels as a regular part of their diet?

No, cheese should not be given to squirrels as a regular part of their diet. Squirrels have specific nutritional needs that are best met through their natural diet of nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetation.

Cheese should only be offered occasionally and in small quantities as a treat or supplement, rather than a staple food item.

How much cheese can squirrels safely consume?

When offering cheese to squirrels, it should be given in small amounts. A piece of cheese about the size of a fingernail is sufficient.

It is important to remember that moderation is key to ensure the overall balance of their diet.

Are there any health benefits for squirrels from eating cheese?

While cheese can provide some nutritional benefits to squirrels, such as protein and calcium, these nutrients can also be obtained from their natural diet sources.

Squirrels have evolved to thrive on a plant-based diet, and their nutritional needs are best met through their natural food sources rather than relying on cheese as a significant source of nutrition.

Can cheese be used as a treat or reward for squirrels?

Yes, cheese can be used as an occasional treat or reward for squirrels. Offering a small piece of cheese as a special indulgence can be a way to interact with and bond with squirrels.

However, it should not be overused, and their natural diet should always be prioritized over human food treats.

Are there any risks or potential allergies associated with feeding squirrels cheese?

Some squirrels may have lactose intolerance or allergies to dairy products, including cheese. If a squirrel shows any signs of adverse reactions such as diarrhea, vomiting, or skin irritations after consuming cheese, it is best to avoid feeding them cheese altogether. Monitoring their response to cheese is important to ensure their well-being.

What are some alternative food options for squirrels if cheese is not recommended?

If cheese is not recommended or not available, there are plenty of alternative food options for squirrels. Nuts (in moderation), fresh fruits like apples, berries, and grapes, as well as vegetables such as carrots and leafy greens, can be offered. Squirrel food blends available in pet stores can also provide a balanced diet for squirrels.

How often can squirrels be fed cheese, if at all?

Cheese should be offered to squirrels sparingly and only as an occasional treat. It is not recommended to feed squirrels cheese on a regular basis.

Their diet should primarily consist of their natural food sources, such as nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetation. Cheese should be viewed as a special indulgence rather than a frequent dietary component.

Can cheese be a source of nutrition for baby squirrels?

No, cheese is not a suitable source of nutrition for baby squirrels. Baby squirrels have specific dietary requirements that should be met through specialized formulas recommended by wildlife rehabilitators or experts in squirrel care.

These formulas are specifically designed to provide the necessary nutrients for their growth and development.

Do wild squirrels naturally seek out and consume cheese?

Wild squirrels do not naturally seek out or consume cheese. Cheese is not a part of their natural diet, and they have not evolved to rely on it as a food source.

In their natural habitat, squirrels primarily forage for nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetation to meet their nutritional needs.

Are there specific types of cheese that are better or safer for squirrels to eat?

When offering cheese to squirrels, it is important to choose types that are low in salt and have a mild flavor. Fresh, unsalted cheeses like cottage cheese or mild cheddar are generally safer options.

Highly processed or flavored cheeses should be avoided, as they may contain additives that could be harmful to squirrels. It is best to prioritize the natural foods that squirrels have evolved to eat rather than relying heavily on cheese as a dietary component.


In summary, while squirrels can consume cheese in small amounts, it should be offered sparingly as an occasional treat rather than a regular part of their diet. Cheese should be low in salt, mild in flavor, and given in moderation to avoid health issues associated with excessive fat and sodium intake.

Squirrels have specific nutritional needs that are best met through their natural diet of nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetation. It is important to prioritize their natural food sources and consult with wildlife rehabilitators or experts in squirrel care for appropriate nutrition for baby squirrels.

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