Why Are Your Calla Lily Leaves Turning Yellow – Understanding And Addressing The Issue


Calla lily leaves turning yellow is usually due to overwatering or not enough sunlight. Yellowing leaves can also be a sign of stress, disease, or pest infestation.


To ensure the health of your calla lilies, it’s important to identify the cause of the yellowing and take appropriate action. Calla lilies are a beautiful and popular plant that can add elegance to any garden or home. However, it’s essential to take care of them properly to avoid issues such as yellowing of the leaves.

Yellowing leaves on a calla lily may seem alarming at first, but it’s a common problem that can be easily fixed with some knowledge and effort. Overwatering or lack of sunlight are the most common reasons behind the leaves turning yellow, but other factors such as stress, disease, and pest infestation can also cause this issue. In this article, we will guide you on how to identify the cause of yellowing leaves and provide tips on how to revive your calla lily’s health.

Why Are Your Calla Lily Leaves Turning Yellow
Calla Lily Plant

Understanding The Calla Lily Plant

Calla lilies, with their distinctive trumpet-shaped blooms, are a popular choice for gardeners or those looking to add a touch of elegance to any room. The plant’s exotic and graceful appearance makes it a popular choice for weddings, parties, and other events.

However, the calla lily plant can start turning yellow if it’s not receiving proper care. In this section, we’ll explore the key factors you should keep in mind when it comes to understanding the calla lily plant.

Identifying Yellowing Leaves

If you are a fan of calla lilies and have noticed yellowing leaves, it could be a sign that the plant is under stress. Understanding the root cause of yellowing leaves is essential to keep the plant healthy. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Age of the leaves: It is natural for the older leaves of the plant to turn yellow as they reach the end of their life cycle. If the yellowing is happening only in the older leaves, it is usually nothing to worry about. However, if the plant is losing new or multiple leaves, it is a sign of a problem.
  • Environmental factors: The yellowing of leaves can also occur due to environmental factors like changes in temperature, humidity, or light. Overwatering or poor drainage can also cause leaves to turn yellow.
  • Nutrient deficiencies: The yellowing of leaves can also be due to a lack of essential nutrients like nitrogen, magnesium, and iron. Nutrient imbalance can be a result of overfertilizing or using the wrong type of fertilizer.
  • Pest and disease infestations: Another possible reason for yellowing leaves can be due to pest infestation or disease. Common pests that can damage calla lilies include spider mites and thrips. Diseases such as bacterial blight and root rot can also cause yellowing of leaves.

Identifying the cause of yellowing leaves is crucial to save the plant. Once you know the cause, you can take the necessary steps to correct it and restore the plant’s health and beauty.

Causes Of Yellowing Leaves

Possible Causes Of Yellowing Leaves

Calla lily is a beautiful plant known for its attractive leaves and flowers. However, if you notice that its leaves are turning yellow, it could be a sign that the plant is suffering from some underlying issue.

In this section, we will explore some possible reasons why calla lily leaves may turn yellow.


Overwatering is one of the common causes of yellowing leaves in calla lilies. When you water the plant excessively, the roots will not be able to absorb the excess water, leading to waterlogging. As a result, the roots will start to rot, and the plant will not be able to get enough nutrients.


This will eventually cause the leaves to turn yellow and drop off.

To prevent overwatering, you should water the plant only when the top inch of soil feels dry. Make sure to drain the excess water properly.


On the other hand, underwatering can also make the leaves of the calla lily turn yellow. When you do not water the plant enough, the roots will not receive enough water to absorb the nutrients from the soil. As a result, the plant will start to wilt, and the leaves will turn yellow.

To prevent underwatering, you should water the plant consistently, as soon as the top inch of soil dries out.

Poor Drainage

Calla lily requires well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, which can cause the leaves to turn yellow. Poor drainage can cause the soil to remain persistently saturated, which can lead to root rot and ultimately yellow leaves.

A remedy for this is to ensure the soil is fertile with good drainage. Improve the drainage by adding sand or perlite to the soil mix.

Pests And Diseases

Calla lilies are susceptible to a number of pests and diseases such as spider mites, mealybugs, bacterial blight, fungal leaf spot, among others, which can cause the leaves to turn yellow. Ensure to rid your plant of any visible pests or diseases to avoid losing them utterly.

To prevent these pests and diseases, ensure your plant has proper ventilation, avoid overcrowding the plants and maintain low humidity.

Nutrient Deficiency

Another possible reason why calla lily leaves may turn yellow is due to lack of nutrients. Nutrient deficiencies can occur when there is insufficient soil nutrients, or the ph is too low to make the nutrients available to the plant.

To resolve nutrient deficiencies, feed the plant with an appropriate garden plant fertilizer with the right amount of n-p-k.

The yellowing of calla lily leaves can be attributed to overwatering, underwatering, poor drainage, pests and diseases, and nutrient deficiency. Monitor your plants and take the necessary steps to fix any issues as early as possible to prevent the yellow leaves and keep the plant healthy.

Yellowing Calla Lily Leaves

Solutions For Yellowing Leaves

Yellowing leaves can be distressing for calla lily growers. However, taking the right measures can help prevent and treat yellow leaves effectively. With proper care and attention, your calla lily will flourish and look stunning in your home or garden.

Sunlight And Watering

Calla lilies require a considerable amount of sunlight to thrive, but not too much. Direct sunlight can lead to yellowing or browning leaves. Therefore, it’s important to place the plant in a location that receives filtered or partial sunlight. Here are some other factors that you need to consider when it comes to sunlight and watering.

  • Calla lilies prefer moist soil, but they don’t like standing water. Overwatering can lead to root rot and yellowing leaves, so make sure to water your plant sparingly but adequately.
  • Water the plant thoroughly once a week, or whenever the top 1″ of soil is dry to the touch.
  • Drainage is also an essential factor for the plant’s health. Make sure that the container has drainage holes, and the soil is well-draining.

Soil And Fertilizer

Soil quality is another important factor that can affect the overall health of your calla lily plant. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Calla lilies require well-draining soil that retains moisture but doesn’t trap excess water.
  • A fertile, rich soil can promote healthy growth and strong root development.
  • Fertilize your plant every three to four weeks during the growing season to encourage strong growth. However, avoid over-fertilizing the plant, which can lead to salt build-up and result in yellowing of the leaves.

Pests, Diseases, And Pruning

Lastly, pests, diseases, and pruning can also affect your calla lily plant’s health. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Prune the plant regularly to promote healthy growth. Remove dead or yellowing leaves, along with spent flowers or buds.
  • Spider mites, aphids, or mealybugs can infest calla lilies, especially during the winter. Check the plant regularly for pests and use a neem oil spray or insecticidal soap to treat infestations.
  • Calla lilies can also be susceptible to fungal diseases, especially if the soil is too wet. Signs of infection include yellow or brown leaves, stem rot, or wilting. It’s crucial to treat the plant promptly with an appropriate fungicide.

Calla lilies are low-maintenance yet beautiful plants, but proper care is essential to keep them healthy. Understanding the factors that can lead to yellowing leaves, like sunlight, soil, pests, and diseases, can help you keep this stunning plant thriving.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Are My Calla Lily Leaves Turning Yellow?

Yellow leaves on your calla lily plant could be due to over-watering, under-watering, pests, disease, or too much sunlight. Check the plant’s soil, water and fertilize as needed, and remove any dead leaves to prevent further damage.

Can I Save My Calla Lily If The Leaves Are Turning Yellow?

Yes, you can save your calla lily if the leaves are turning yellow. Identify the cause, adjust watering and light conditions accordingly, remove any dead or damaged leaves, and treat the plant with appropriate fertilizers or pesticides if necessary.

How Often Should I Water My Calla Lily?

Water your calla lily when the soil is dry to the touch, but not completely dried out. Check the soil frequently, especially during hot weather, to ensure that it stays moist. Avoid over-watering or allowing the plant to sit in standing water.

Should I Cut Off Yellow Leaves From My Calla Lily Plant?

Yes, cut off yellow leaves from your calla lily plant as soon as you notice them. This will help prevent any pests or diseases from spreading to other parts of the plant. Use clean, sharp scissors or shears and cut as close to the base of the leaf as possible.

How Much Sunlight Does A Calla Lily Need?

Calla lilies prefer bright, indirect sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves and cause them to yellow. Place your plant in a bright window or in a location with filtered light. Avoid placing the plant in areas with extreme temperature changes or drafts.

Can I Grow Calla Lilies Indoors?

Yes, calla lilies can be grown indoors in containers using a well-draining potting mix. Place the plant in a location with bright, indirect light, avoid over-watering and fertilize monthly during the growing season.


Based on our comprehensive breakdown of the common reasons why calla lily leaves turn yellow, we have established that proper care is key to preventing this problem from occurring. By regulating water and light exposure, ensuring that the soil is of good quality, and checking for any signs of insect infestation, you can help your calla lily plant thrive and remain healthy.


Implementing these measures will go a long way in ensuring that your calla lily leaves remain vibrant and green throughout the plant’s lifespan. Remember, prevention is better than cure, and taking good care of your plants is the best way to avoid the stress caused by yellowing leaves.

By following the guidelines provided in this blog post, you can count on enjoying your beautiful calla lily plants without any worry of yellowing leaves.

James Watts

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