what to plant with butternut squash


Plant beans, corn, and cucumbers with butternut squash as companion plants. Butternut squash grows well with plants that have shallow roots and provide groundcover.


Butternut squash is an excellent vegetable to grow in your garden due to its sweet taste, versatility for cooking, and the fact that it is packed with nutrients. If you’re thinking of growing butternut squash, it’s important to know what to plant with it to maximize its growth and yield.

Companion planting is an excellent method of growing where you grow plants that complement each other in the same area. This method is beneficial for improved soil fertility, pest control, and increased yield. In this article, we will discuss some of the vegetables and herbs that you can plant with butternut squash to maximize its growth and flavor.

what to plant with butternut squash

Understanding Companion Planting

Companion planting is a concept that involves planting different crops next to one another to encourage growth and deter pests. It is a time-tested gardening technique that can increase the productivity of your garden by pairing compatible plants that support each other’s growth.

When it comes to butternut squash, there are many plants that will complement it well.

Top Companion Plants For Butternut Squash

Here are some of the best companion plants to consider when planting butternut squash:

  • Radishes: Radishes are an excellent companion plant for butternut squash since they repel squash bugs and beetles, which can damage squash plants.
  • Marigolds: Marigolds are often known as the gardener’s best friend as they deter pests and attract beneficial insects to the garden. Plant marigolds around your squash to help keep away unwanted pests.
  • Beans: Beans are nitrogen-fixing plants that are great for improving soil fertility. Planting beans next to your squash will not only enrich the soil but will also keep the ground covered to prevent weed growth.
  • Corn: Planting corn next to your butternut squash can be beneficial as corn attracts predators that prey on common squash pests like aphids and spider mites. In return, the butternut squash helps stabilize the corn stalks.
  • Lettuce: Lettuce is a shallow-rooted plant that can easily grow between the rows of butternut squash. It also shades the soil, keeps it moist, and acts as a living mulch.

Plant Companions To Avoid

There are also plants that are not compatible with butternut squash. Here are some examples:

  • Potatoes: Potatoes and squash are prone to similar diseases, such as blight and powdery mildew. Planting them too close together can increase the likelihood of disease transmission.
  • Pumpkins: While pumpkins are similar in appearance to butternut squash, they are not good companion plants. Both plants are heavy feeders and require a lot of nutrients from the soil, which can lead to stunted growth and smaller harvests when planted together.
  • Cucumbers: Cucumbers and squash are both members of the cucurbit family, making them susceptible to the same pests and diseases. Planting them too close together can lead to cross-contamination and a lower overall yield.

Understanding companion planting is key to maximizing the productivity of your garden. By selecting the right plants to grow alongside your butternut squash, you can create a healthy ecosystem that supports growth and deters pests.

Specifics About Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is a delicious and versatile vegetable that’s perfect for fall and winter meals. While it’s an easy crop to grow, you may be wondering what plants would pair well with your butternut squash. We’ll explore some of the specifics about butternut squash to help you grow the perfect crop, as well as suggest some plants that will complement your harvest.

When To Grow Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is a warm-weather crop, but it can still thrive in cooler temperatures. Here are some key points to consider when growing butternut squash:

  • Butternut squash seeds should not be planted until the soil temperature is at least 60 degrees fahrenheit.
  • It is best to plant butternut squash seeds directly into warm soil, rather than transplanting seedlings.
  • Butternut squash typically takes around 80-100 days to reach maturity, depending on the variety.
  • It’s important to keep your butternut squash plants well-watered, especially during dry spells.

How To Harvest Butternut Squash

Harvesting butternut squash at the right time is key to getting the most flavorful and nutritious fruit. Here are some tips for harvesting butternut squash:

  • Wait until the squash’s skin is a uniform tan color and has a hard outer shell.
  • The stem of the squash should be fully dry before harvesting.
  • Cut the squash from the vine, leaving a small piece of stem intact.
  • Store harvested squash in a cool, dry place for up to several months.

Companion Plants For Butternut Squash

Growing butternut squash alongside companion plants can help increase yields, deter pests, and improve soil health. Here are some plants that work well with butternut squash:

  • Beans: The nitrogen-fixing properties of beans can help improve soil quality and boost butternut squash yields.
  • Radishes: These fast-growing plants help loosen soil and break up soil crust while repelling squash bugs.
  • Marigolds: These flowers can help deter pests and attract beneficial insects to your garden.
  • Nasturtiums: These colorful flowers can attract predators of common squash pests.
  • Corn: Corn’s height can provide support for butternut squash vines while also helping to shade out weeds.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, planting butternut squash can be a fun and rewarding experience. By following these tips and pairing butternut squash with compatible plants, you can enjoy a bountiful and healthy harvest.

Best Companion Plants For Butternut Squash

The Beauty Of Companion Planting With Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is a delicious, versatile vegetable that’s a must-have in any garden. But did you know that it makes an excellent companion plant for many other veggies? When you pair it with the right plants, it can lead to a healthier garden overall.

In this post, we’ll take a look at the best companion plants for butternut squash, and explain why planting them together can be so beneficial.

Plants That Repel Pests

When you plant butternut squash alongside other plants that repel pests, you’re in for a treat. These types of plants repel pests naturally, so you’ll need fewer chemicals to ward off bugs that can harm your butternut squash. Here are the best companion plants for butternut squash that ward off pests:

  • Marigold: Marigolds repel beetles, nematodes, and aphids. They also attract pollinators that help squash plants grow. Plant marigolds around the border of your butternut squash patch.
  • Nasturtium: Nasturtiums repel cucumber beetles, whiteflies, and squash bugs. They’re also edible, so you can add them to your salads.
  • Radishes: Radishes repel squash borers and cucumber beetles. They’re also great for gardeners who want quick results, as they grow very fast.

Plants That Enhance Growth

When you pair butternut squash with plants that enhance growth, you’ll see your squash plants thrive. Here are the best companion plants for butternut squash that enhance its growth:

  • Beans: Beans fix nitrogen in the soil, which butternut squash needs to grow. They also provide shade for squash plants during hot summer months.
  • Corn: Corn also provides shade for squash while adding nitrogen to the soil. Plant them in rows beside your butternut squash plants.
  • Peas: Peas have the same effect as beans and corn. They fix nitrogen in the soil and provide shade for squash plants.

Plants That Deter Weeds

Planting butternut squash beside plants that deter weeds can save you hours of weeding time. Here are the best companion plants for butternut squash that deter weeds:

  • Borage: Borage attracts pollinators while repelling hornworms and cabbage worms. It also releases minerals into the soil that help nourish butternut squash.
  • Sunflowers: Sunflowers act like umbrellas for butternut squash, keeping weeds at bay while providing shade. They’re also great for attracting pollinators.
  • Sweet alyssum: Sweet alyssum attracts beneficial insects that prey on garden pests while suppressing weed growth.

Pairing butternut squash with the right companion plants can lead to a healthier garden overall. Not only will you need fewer chemicals to repel pests, but your butternut squash plants will also thrive and produce more fruit. Use this guide to plan your garden, and enjoy the benefits of companion planting.

Plants To Avoid Planting Near Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is a delicious vegetable that grows best in warm soil. It’s a great source of vitamins a and c, as well as potassium and fiber. But did you know that the plants you grow near your butternut squash can have an impact on their growth and flavor?

We’ll discuss which plants to avoid planting near butternut squash.

Here are some plants to avoid planting near your butternut squash:

  • Cucumbers: Cucumbers attract the same pests that go after butternut squash, such as squash bugs and cucumber beetles. Planting these two vegetables near each other will only increase the likelihood of an infestation.
  • Pumpkins: Pumpkins are part of the same family as butternut squash, and they attract the same pests. Planting pumpkins near your butternut squash will only attract more pests to your garden.
  • Sunflowers: While sunflowers look beautiful in the garden, they can reduce the yield of your butternut squash. They produce a toxin that can inhibit the growth of nearby plants, including butternut squash.
  • Potatoes: Potatoes are a member of the nightshade family, and they attract pests that also go after butternut squash. Planting potatoes near butternut squash can lead to an infestation, and it can also attract other pests, like the colorado potato beetle.

Keep cucumbers, pumpkins, sunflowers, and potatoes away from your butternut squash to ensure healthy growth and minimize pest infestations.

Instead, try planting companion plants like beans, peas, and radishes to help improve soil fertility and ward off pests. With a little planning, you can grow a lush and thriving vegetable garden.

Practical Tips For Implementing Companion Planting With Butternut Squash

Having a garden that thrives with healthy plants and a bountiful harvest is every gardener’s dream. However, achieving this requires more than just planting a variety of crops.

Companion planting, a technique that involves planting different crops together to boost each other’s growth and deter pests is gaining popularity amongst gardeners.

If you’re planning to grow butternut squash, below are some practical tips to implement companion planting.

The Benefits Of Companion Planting With Butternut Squash

  • Butternut squash is a warm-season crop that requires plenty of sunlight and water to grow. Planting other crops alongside butternut squash can provide several benefits.
  • One of the main benefits of planting butternut squash with other crops is that they can help deter pests. For example, planting marigolds around your butternut squash can repel squash bugs and other pests that may damage your squash plants.
  • Companion planting can also help improve soil quality. Certain crops can add nutrients to the soil that butternut squash needs to thrive. For example, planting legumes like beans can help improve soil quality by adding nitrogen.

Companion Plants To Consider For Butternut Squash

  • Beans: Beans are a great companion crop for butternut squash. They provide nitrogen, which is a vital nutrient for butternut squash growth. Beans also help improve soil structure and deter pests like squash bugs.
  • Marigolds: Marigolds are a popular choice for companion planting with butternut squash. They deter pests and add beauty to your garden.
  • Radishes: Radishes may seem like an unusual companion crop, but they can help improve soil quality and deter pests like squash bugs. Radishes also mature quickly, allowing you to harvest them before your butternut squash is fully grown.
  • Nasturtiums: Nasturtiums are another great companion crop for butternut squash. They attract beneficial insects, such as pollinators and predatory insects that can help control pests.
  • Corn: Corn is a tall crop that can provide shade for your butternut squash. This is particularly beneficial in hot climates where butternut squash can struggle to grow.

Companion planting with butternut squash can be a great way to boost your harvest, improve soil quality, and deter pests. By planting a variety of crops together, you can create a thriving garden that is both beautiful and productive.

Case Studies/Examples

Butternut squash is a delicious and nutritious vegetable that’s easy to grow in your garden. However, finding the right plants to grow alongside them can be a challenge.

In this section, we’ll take a look at some case studies and examples of what to plant with butternut squash for a successful harvest.

Companion Plants

Companion planting is the practice of growing two or more plants together that benefit each other in some way. Here are some examples of companion plants that work well with butternut squash:

  • Corn: Corn provides a natural trellis for the squash to climb on, saving valuable garden space. The squash vines also deter raccoons and other critters from eating the corn.
  • Beans: Beans fix nitrogen in the soil, which provides a natural fertilizer for the squash. In return, the squash vines provide shade for the beans.
  • Lettuce: Lettuce is a cool-season crop that can be grown in the shade of the squash vines. The lettuce helps retain moisture in the soil, which is beneficial for the squash.
  • Marigolds: Marigolds are a natural pest deterrent and can help keep pests like squash bugs and cucumber beetles away from your squash.

Success Stories

Here are some success stories from gardeners who have grown butternut squash with companion plants:

  • Butternut squash and corn: “last year, i planted butternut squash with corn for the first time and it was a huge success. The squash climbed the corn stalks and saved me a lot of garden space. Plus, the raccoons left my corn alone.” – jane, california.
  • Butternut squash and beans: “i always plant beans with my butternut squash, and the results are amazing. The squash vines provide shade for the beans and the beans provide nitrogen for the squash. Win-win!” – tom, oregon.
  • Butternut squash and lettuce: “i’ve been planting butternut squash with lettuce for a few years now and it’s always a great combo. The lettuce helps keep the soil moist and provides a nice green backdrop for the squash.” – sarah, new york.
  • Butternut squash and marigolds: “i started planting marigolds with my butternut squash a few years ago and it’s made a huge difference. The pests stay away and my squash plants look healthier than ever.” – dave, texas.

Planting butternut squash with companion plants is a great way to maximize your garden space and ensure a successful harvest. Give it a try and see for yourself!

Frequently Asked Questions On What To Plant With Butternut Squash

What Are The Best Plants To Grow With Butternut Squash?

Butternut squash grows well with cucumbers, beans, corn, peas, and radishes. These plants complement butternut squash growth and health and provide a diverse range of nutrients and flavors to your garden.

Can I Plant Carrots With Butternut Squash?

Carrots are not ideal to plant with butternut squash as they require deeper soil and different watering conditions. Also, carrots release substances that could inhibit butternut squash’s growth. It’s best to plant carrots in a different spot in your garden.

Are Tomatoes Compatible With Butternut Squash?

Tomatoes can be planted with butternut squash, but it’s wise to give them enough space apart as both plants need ample air circulation and light. It’s best to interplant them with low-growing plants like beans, radishes, or coriander.

Is It Beneficial To Plant Marigolds With Butternut Squash?

Yes, marigolds dense yet compact root system is useful in keeping soil nematode-free and can help control pests and harmful insects around your butternut squash. Plant them around the perimeter of your garden bed as a natural pest deterrent.


Growing butternut squash can be a gratifying and productive experience when grown with complementary plants. Some of the best plants to grow alongside butternut squash include cucumbers, pole beans, and marigolds. These plants not only provide optimum growing conditions for butternut squash, but they also repel pests and attract pollinators.


Tomatoes, onions, and other alliums should be avoided because they have antagonistic effects on butternut squash growth. Also, remember to give adequate space between the plants to prevent crowding and facilitate proper growth.

Planting butternut squash alongside the right plants will not only boost its yield but also ensure a balance in the ecosystem of your garden, leading to a successful harvest season with a bountiful yield.

James Watts

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