How Much Does the Average Watermelon Weigh


The average weight of a watermelon is around 20 pounds or 9 kilograms. Watermelons can range in size from small personal-sized fruits to massive ones weighing over 100 pounds.


Watermelons are a summer staple, enjoyed by many around the world. Its sweet and juicy flesh makes it a refreshing snack, perfect for hot days. The fruit is also packed with essential vitamins such as vitamin a and c, as well as potassium and magnesium.

In addition to its nutritional value, the watermelon is also a versatile ingredient in the kitchen. It can be used to make refreshing beverages, desserts, and even salads. However, when it comes to buying a watermelon, knowing its average weight can help you plan accordingly for your needs.

The Average Watermelon Weigh

Type of WatermelonAverage Weight
Mini Watermelon (or Personal Watermelon)1-3 lbs
Picnic Watermelon20-45 lbs
Icebox Watermelon5-15 lbs
Giant Watermelon50-100 lbs
Seedless Watermelon10-20 lbs
Please note that these are averages, and individual weights can vary based on growing conditions and variety.
How Much Does The Average Watermelon Weigh

The Watermelon: A Brief History And Overview

Watermelon, one of the world’s most popular summertime fruits, is filled with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin a, vitamin c, and potassium. It’s a refreshing treat that hydrates as well as satisfies one’s thirst. It originated in africa approximately 5,000 years ago, has a tough outer skin with a juicy interior, and is named for its high water content.

The Origins Of The Watermelon

  • Originally from africa and spread to other continents through trading
  • First cultivated in the nile river valley over 5,000 years ago
  • Watermelons were transported on ships during the slave trade

The Nutritional Benefits Of Watermelon

Watermelon has numerous nutritional benefits, including:

  • Loaded with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin c, potassium, and vitamin a
  • High water content helps with dehydration
  • Can help reduce muscle soreness

The Different Types Of Watermelon

There are over 1200 varieties of watermelon grown worldwide. Here are a few of the most common ones:

  • Seedless watermelon: Usually smaller and lighter, with no seeds and less fat and calories
  • Yellow or orange watermelon: The flesh of the fruit is either yellow or orange in color, with a slightly sweeter taste
  • Picnic watermelon: These are the largest watermelons and weigh between 15 to 45 pounds. Perfect for picnics!

Interesting Facts And Figures

A few curious facts and figures related to watermelon:

  • The largest watermelon ever grown weighed more than 350 pounds
  • The world record for most watermelons sliced on a stomach in one minute is 48
  • In some countries, people hollow out watermelons to put on their heads to keep cool.

There you have it, a brief history and overview of the beloved watermelon. It’s no wonder it’s a favorite summertime fruit worldwide due to its fascinating past and the numerous health benefits it contains.

Factors Determining The Weight Of A Watermelon

Watermelons are a juicy and refreshing fruit enjoyed by many people worldwide. Their size and weight can vary based on several factors. In this section, we will discuss some of the key factors that determine the weight of a watermelon.



Watermelons come in different varieties, and each variety has its unique features, including size, shape, and weight. Some of the popular varieties include:

  • Seedless watermelons
  • Mini watermelons
  • Yellow flesh watermelons

Each of these varieties differs in weight, with some being relatively smaller than others. For instance, mini watermelons weigh between two and five pounds, while larger ones can be over 25 pounds.


Maturity is another determining factor when it comes to the weight of a watermelon. A mature watermelon will have reached its peak size and weight, while an immature one will be smaller and lighter.

Growing Conditions

Growing conditions, including weather, soil quality, and water supply, play a significant role in determining the weight of a watermelon. Favorable conditions such as consistent rainfall, warm temperatures, and nutrient-rich soil can lead to larger and juicier watermelons.


Pollination is crucial in the growth of watermelons. It affects the fruit size as well as the seeds’ viability. Proper pollination results in healthy and more massive fruits.

Harvest Time

The time when watermelons are harvested also affects their weight. Harvesting prematurely may result in smaller and underdeveloped fruits, while delaying the harvest time may lead to overripe watermelons that are not as juicy and full.

Watermelon weight is determined by different factors, including maturity, growing conditions, varieties, harvest time, and pollination. By considering these factors, you can determine the weight of a watermelon, making it easier to select one that fits your preference.

Understanding The Average Weight Of A Watermelon

Watermelons are one of the most refreshing fruits, especially during hot summer months. However, buying watermelons can be a bit tricky, as their size and weight can vary significantly. Therefore, it’s essential to have an idea of how much an average watermelon weighs.

What Is The Average Weight Of A Watermelon?

The average weight of a watermelon depends on various factors, such as the type, cultivar, and region where it is grown. However, on average, a watermelon weighs between 8 to 20 pounds.

Factors Influencing The Weight Of A Watermelon

Several factors can influence the weight of a watermelon. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Type: The weight of a watermelon varies according to its type. Seedless watermelons tend to be smaller and weigh less than the seeded ones.
  • Cultivar: Each cultivar has its unique characteristics. The weight of a watermelon can vary depending on the cultivar, such as jubilee, crimson sweet, and sugar baby.
  • Growing conditions: The growing conditions, such as temperature, soil, and water supply, can significantly influence the weight of the fruit.
  • Harvest time: The time of the harvest can also affect the weight of the watermelon. The longer it stays on the vine, the heavier it gets.

How To Choose A Watermelon Based On Its Weight?

When choosing a watermelon, its weight is a good indicator of its ripeness and juiciness. Here are some tips that can help you choose the right watermelon based on its weight:

  • Look for watermelons that feel heavy for their size. The heavier the melon, the juicier it will be.
  • Avoid watermelons that feel too light, as they may be under-ripe and not as sweet as they should be.
  • Try to choose watermelons that are more spherical than oblong, as they tend to be juicier.

Practical Applications Of Watermelon Weight Knowledge

The Practical Applications Of Watermelon Weight Knowledge

Knowing how much an average watermelon weighs is essential for anyone who buys them, whether for personal consumption or business purposes. Without knowledge of watermelon weight, we might end up paying for more than we should or underestimating our needs.

How Much Does The Average Watermelon Weigh?

The average weight of a watermelon ranges from 5kg to 12kg (11 to 26 pounds). The diameter does not always indicate the exact weight since the size might vary, leading to discrepancies. Now, why is knowing this weight important?

Business Purposes

If you are in the business of selling watermelons, then you need to be well-versed with the different watermelon sizes and weights. Knowing this information may help you in the following ways:

  • Pricing: You may be able to set higher prices for the heavier watermelons due to their higher weight and size.
  • Inventory management: With the weight knowledge, you can devise better inventory management strategies to ensure that you have enough stock of the different weights that your customers may want.
  • Profit margin: Understanding the different weights will help you ensure that you have a higher profit margin since you will be aware of the different prices for the different sizes.

Personal Consumption

On a personal level, knowing the average weight of watermelons might also come in handy, let’s say:

  • At the grocery store: When buying watermelons for your family, knowing the average weight may aid you in buying the right size of the watermelon that will satisfy your family size and needs.
  • During celebrations: During events such as parties, picnics, or barbeques, you might want to purchase watermelons to share with your friends and family. Knowing the typical weight range can help you estimate how many watermelons to buy.

Knowledge of the average weight of watermelons comes in handy, whether for personal consumption or business purposes. Whether you’re in retailing, catering, or simply buying them for home usage, this knowledge can make your life easier and save you money in the long run.

know more about watermelon weight, how to determine if a watermelon is ripe, how to store it, and more. Enjoy your next juicy watermelon with the knowledge you gained!

Frequently Asked Questions For How Much Does The Average Watermelon Weigh

What Is The Average Weight Of A Watermelon?

The average weight of a watermelon is around 20 pounds, but it can vary from 5 to 60 pounds based on the type and the growing conditions.

How Can I Know The Weight Of A Watermelon?

You can weigh the watermelon using a kitchen or bathroom scale or look for the weight information on the product label, if available.

What Is The Largest Watermelon Ever Recorded?

According to the guinness world records, the largest watermelon ever recorded weighed 350. 5 pounds and was grown in tennessee, usa, in 2013.

Are Larger Watermelons Always Better?

Not necessarily. The taste, sweetness, and texture of a watermelon don’t rely on its size, but on factors such as ripeness, freshness, and growing conditions.

How Can I Pick A Ripe Watermelon?

You can pick a ripe watermelon by checking the skin color, tap it to hear a hollow sound, look for a rough and uniform texture, and check the field spot.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Watermelon?

Watermelon is an excellent source of hydration, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals such as potassium and magnesium. It may also lower blood pressure and inflammation levels and support digestion.


After delving into the question “how much does the average watermelon weigh? ” It’s clear that the answer isn’t as simple as we might have thought. Different factors including the variety of watermelon, where it was grown, and even the time of year can affect the fruit’s overall weight.

However, we can conclude that most watermelons weigh anywhere from 10 to 30 pounds, with some reaching up to 50 pounds or more. So, if you’re planning to purchase a watermelon for an upcoming picnic or barbecue, keep in mind that on average, a watermelon will weigh somewhere in that range.


And when it comes to enjoying a juicy, sweet slice on a hot summer day, the weight of the watermelon matters less than the delicious taste it provides. Remember to choose a ripe watermelon with a uniform shape and a yellow spot on its belly for optimal taste and quality.

Happy watermelon hunting!

James Watts

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