How to Protect Arborvitae from Deer: Foolproof Techniques


Protecting arborvitae from deer is possible by using physical barriers or repellents. To keep deer away, create a physical barrier by installing fencing around the trees or by covering them with burlap or netting.


Arborvitae trees are commonly planted for their striking appearance and ability to provide privacy. However, deer find them tasty and can damage or destroy them. It can be frustrating to see your trees being eaten by deer, but there are ways to protect them.

In this article, we will discuss some effective methods for deterring deer from arborvitae. By following these techniques, you can safeguard your trees and enjoy their beauty for years to come.

How to Protect Arborvitae from Deer Foolproof Techniques
Habits Of Deer

Understanding The Habits Of Deer

Arborvitae trees are beloved for their lush foliage and stately height, making them a popular landscaping choice for many homeowners.

Unfortunately, deer also find these trees particularly attractive and often turn to them as a source of food.

If you’re a homeowner struggling with deer damaging your arborvitae, it’s important to understand their habits and what attracts them so you can protect your trees effectively.

Understanding What Attracts Deer To Arborvitae

Deer are attracted to arborvitae for a variety of reasons.

  • Food source: Arborvitae trees are a source of food for deer, especially during the winter months when other sources of food are scarce.
  • Shelter: Deer often seek shelter near arborvitae trees, as they provide cover from the elements.
  • Protecting young: Female deer will often seek out arborvitae trees as a place to give birth and protect their fawns.

The Damage Deer Can Cause To Arborvitae

Deer can cause significant damage to arborvitae trees, which can lead to stunted growth, unsightly appearance, and even death.

  • Browsing: Deer will strip the foliage from arborvitae trees, leaving them with a sparse, patchy appearance.
  • Rubbing: Male deer will rub their antlers against the bark of arborvitae trees, causing damage and potentially killing the tree.
  • Eating: Deer will often eat the bark and twigs of arborvitae trees, which can cause significant damage and even kill the tree.

Identifying Signs Of Deer Damage

If you suspect that deer are damaging your arborvitae trees, there are a few signs to look out for:

  • Stripped foliage: If the foliage on your arborvitae tree is patchy or missing entirely, this is a sign that deer have been browsing on it.
  • Broken branches: If you notice branches that are broken or bent, this could be a sign of deer rubbing or eating on them.
  • Bark damage: If you notice that the bark on your arborvitae tree is missing or has teeth marks or scrapes, this is a sign that deer are eating it.

By understanding the habits of deer and what attracts them to arborvitae, you can take steps to protect your trees and keep them healthy and beautiful for years to come.


Methods Of Protecting Arborvitae From Deer

Arborvitae plants are an excellent addition to any garden, but if you live in an area with deer, you might struggle to keep them healthy and attractive. Deer love to munch on arborvitae, and their constant grazing can cause irreparable damage to the plants.

Luckily, there are several methods of protecting your arborvitae plants from deer. In this blog post, we will discuss the three most popular methods of protecting arborvitae from deer: natural remedies, physical barriers, and electronic deterrents.

Natural Remedies For Protecting Arborvitae

Using natural remedies to protect your plants is an excellent way to avoid using chemicals and keep your garden eco-friendly.

  • Plant deer-resistant species nearby, such as lavender, marigold, and salvia.
  • Use natural fox urine or coyote urine as a repellent around the perimeter of your garden.
  • Place human hair or irish spring soap chips in nylon stockings near your arborvitae.

Physical Barriers For Protecting Arborvitae

Physical barriers are an effective way to protect your arborvitae plants from deer.

  • Install a deer fence around your garden area.
  • Wrap chicken wire or hardware cloth around individual trees to keep deer away.
  • Use repellant sprays like bobbex or deer stopper on your arborvitae, which release a bad odor to keep deer away.

Electronic Deterrents For Protecting Arborvitae

Electronic deterrents are another excellent way to keep deer away from your arborvitae plants.

  • Install motion-activated sprinklers around your garden area to scare off deer.
  • Use ultrasonic devices that emit high-pitched sounds that deer do not like.
  • Install a strobe light near your arborvitae plants to create a disorienting effect that will keep deer away.

Deer can cause significant damage to your arborvitae plants, but there are several methods of protecting them. Using natural remedies, physical barriers, or electronic deterrents can protect your arborvitae plants from deer and keep your garden healthy and beautiful.

Best Practices For Protecting c

When it comes to protecting arborvitae from deer, prevention is key. By taking the necessary measures to maintain healthy trees and deterring deer from the area, you can keep your arborvitae safe from harm.

Maintaining Healthy Arborvitae Through Proper Pruning And Fertilization

  • Prune your arborvitae regularly to maintain its shape and prevent it from becoming overgrown.
  • Use sharp and sterilized tools to avoid damaging the bark or spreading disease.
  • Fertilize your arborvitae with a slow-release fertilizer in the spring to encourage growth and promote overall health.

Regularly Inspecting Arborvitae For Signs Of Damage Or Disease

  • Check your arborvitae regularly for signs of damage or disease, such as broken branches or discolored foliage.
  • Address any issues immediately to prevent further damage or the spread of disease.
  • If you notice any signs of deer damage, such as chewed branches or stripped bark, take action to deter deer from returning to the area.

Rotating The Use Of Repellents And Deterrents For Maximum Effectiveness

  • Use a combination of repellents and deterrents to keep deer away from your arborvitae.
  • Rotate the use of different products to prevent deer from becoming accustomed to one type of deterrent.
  • Products to consider include fences, noise makers, and chemical repellents.

Educating Neighbors And Community Members On Deer Control Methods To Minimize The Spread Of Deer From Surrounding Areas

  • It’s important to educate your neighbors and community members on the best ways to control deer in the surrounding areas.
  • Encourage them to use deterrents and to avoid planting deer-favorite plants in their landscaping.
  • This will help minimize the spread of deer into your area and ultimately protect your arborvitae.

By following these best practices, you can keep your arborvitae healthy and protect it from deer damage. Remember to keep a close eye on your trees, rotate the use of deterrents, and educate your community to minimize the impact of deer in your area.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Protect Arborvitae From Deer If I Have A Small Yard Or Garden?

One effective way to protect your arborvitae from deer in a small yard is by using deer-resistant plants or planting thorny shrubs around them. You can also try using deer-repellent sprays or placing motion-activated sprinklers near your arborvitae.

What Are Some Deer-Resistant Arborvitae Types?

Green giant, emerald green, technito, and fire chief are the arborvitae types that deer tend to avoid. These options are known to be deer-resistant but may still need some protection if deer pressure is high, especially in winter when alternative food sources are scarce.

How Does Netting Protect Arborvitae From Deer?

Netting helps to physically prevent deer from reaching your arborvitae. It creates a barrier around the trees, shrubs, or garden beds, which prevents deer from eating or damaging the arborvitae.

For best results, ensure that the mesh openings are small enough to prevent deer snouts from reaching through the gaps.

How Can I Make My Homemade Deer Repellent Spray?

A homemade deer repellent spray can be made by combining garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and water in a spray bottle. Mix the ingredients well, let the mixture sit for a day, then strain and spray the solution on your arborvitae as needed.

This spray offers a non-toxic and cost-effective way of protecting arborvitae from deer.


It is quite disheartening to come out into your garden to find your arborvitae trees have been ravaged by deer. However, there are some effective steps you can take to protect your trees from these pesky creatures. Start by using deer repellents, from which you have many options available.

Planting some deer-resistant species around your arborvitae trees can also be a great deterrent. Moreover, erecting physical barriers, such as fencing, is another effective measure.


Be mindful of the height and durability of the fence you choose. Lastly, keeping your foliage healthy can also help reduce deer damage.

Prune your trees regularly, maintain soil moisture, and ensure proper nutrition. Following these measures in protecting arborvitae from deer can prolong the life and beauty of your arborvitae trees, enhance the aesthetic value of your garden, while also possibly saving you a lot of money in the long run.

James Watts

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